Town of Saranac


Old  Plow


Saranac Town Hall
3662 Route 3
Saranac, NY 12981
Phone: (518) 293-6666

The town garage is located at 3473 Route 3

Old  Plow


Saranac Town Hall
3662 Route 3
Saranac, NY 12981
Phone: (518) 293-6666

The town garage is located at 3473 Route 3


There are many ways that the Town of Saranac works to serve the community. Here you can view the major departments, officials and employees of the town, including a description of their main functions. If you need information on or assistance with a particular town function or service, these sections of the website should be helpful to you. We encourage you to become involved in town business. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Town Hall.