Town Board
Duties & Responsibilities

In the town board rests the governmental authority of the town. The law demands certain budget and organizational meetings. Beyond that, the board is free to establish, by resolution, a time, date and place for further regular meetings. Presently regular meetings are on the 4th Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.
The Town Board fills vacancies in town offices, elective or appointive and may select a town attorney and town engineer. Provides for the hiring of such other employees as necessary for the conduct of the town's business.
The town board adopts a budget, fixes the salaries of officers and employees, lays down rules of procedure and designates the official newspaper of the town. The functions are so numerous that only an indication can be given of their scope. The town may construct drainage and flood control facilities, install traffic control equipment, set aside money for shade trees on highways, light the highways, contract for health services, sponsor band concerts, settle or compromise claims, call special town elections, license certain occupations (such as plumbers), provide for town improvements, zone the town, adopt building codes, establish fire, fire alarm and fire protection districts, create improvement districts, and lay down financial regulations. The general powers of the town board are set forth in, but not limited to, Section 64 of the Town Law.
Most of these functions of the town board are authorized by the Town Law. There are others set down in the General Municipal Law, the Highway Law, the Social Services Law, and the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.
New problems bring additional responsibilities to town boards. They may pass ordinances regulating dangerous excavations, the operation of inboard and outboard motors and the facilities of trailer camps. Towns may spend money for publicity within limitations.
Office: (518)-293-6666
Fax: (518)-293-7245
Regular board meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall.