Town of Saranac

Supervisor and Secretary


Tim Napper

Town Supervisor

no image available

Lisa Racette


Duties & Responsibilities

A significant and unusual role is filled by the Town Supervisor. In the Town of Saranac, as in all New York State towns, the Town Supervisor serves in three major capacities: Chairman of the Town Board, Town Executive, and Fiscal Officer.

  • As Town Legislator. The Supervisor is not only the presiding officer of the Town Board, but votes like all other members. Contrary to usual practice for presiding officers who merely break ties, the supervisor goes on record on each matter that comes up.
  • As Town Executive and Administrator. After Town Board decisions have been made, it is the supervisor who carries them out. He is the administrator of all programs and he has charge of all town offices and buildings. It is usually with him that citizens register their complaints and their suggestions. He disburses funds and has broad responsibility for the entire administration of the budget.
  • As Town Fiscal Officer. Act as the treasurer and demand, receive, and have custody of and be responsible for all money belonging to or due the town. Deposit all moneys within ten days after receipt in the official town bank account. Temporarily invest idle moneys and proceeds of obligations issued. Pay moneys on warrant of the Town Clerk after audit and allowance by the town board. Pay principal of an interest on indebtedness; fixed salaries; regular or stated compensation of officers and employees; amounts becoming due upon lawful contracts. In addition, so authorizes, makes payments in advance of audit of claims for public utility services, postage, freight and express charges. Disperses moneys only by checks payable to the person entitled to the payment. Keep an accurate and complete account of all moneys received and disbursed in accordance with the New York State Uniform Systems of Accounts for Towns. Keep a separate account for every appropriation; allow no appropriation account to be overdrawn at any time; do not draw upon one fund or appropriation account to pay a claim chargeable to another. Render each month a statement of all moneys received and disbursed for such month. Prepare and file an annual financial report with the State comptroller within sixty days after the close of each fiscal year on forms furnished by the State Comptroller. Shall be budget officer unless he appoints someone else. Prosecute, in the name of the town, for all moneys or property due the town. Lease, sell, and convey town property when and in the manner authorized by law. Prepare printed agendas for the town board meetings. Distribute these agendas along with related material and minutes of previous meetings to councilmen at least two days in advance of each meeting. Collect material for the Town Crier and Town Website. Stay abreast of current state and federal legislative procedures that affect our town. Have a current, accurate knowledge of various grants, loans, and special funding programs including eligibility criterion and deadlines that would be beneficial to the Town of Saranac. Attend and participate in meetings, workshops, and conferences sponsored by Clinton County Supervisors and County Legislators and New York State Association of Towns.


Office: (518) 293-6666 ext. 1 for Supervisor ext. 2 for Secretary

Fax: (518) 293-7245

7:00 am -- 2:00 pm Daily
Other hours available by appointment.