Town of Saranac


Saranac Althletes 59Fa2C45Afd6C


Saranac Town Hall
3662 Route 3
Saranac, NY 12981
Phone: (518) 293-6666


Saranac Althletes 59Fa2C45Afd6C


Saranac Town Hall
3662 Route 3
Saranac, NY 12981
Phone: (518) 293-6666


For those of you who like to plan…

As plans are finalized these links will become live!

Follow us on Facebook or check out the Recreation tab on the Town website to find the most up-to-date postings, registrations, or general information about upcoming events! We look forward to another season of giving our residents ways to get out and enjoy our town.

Thank you to all who help and participate in our recreation programs.

If you have an activity that you would like to sponsor or host in the park or in the community please reach out to us...

From the basketball court to the soccer field, the baseball diamond to the swimming pool, youth sports are the ultimate classroom. Kids learn the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, perseverance, respect for authority and rules, and how to win with class and lose with dignity. At the Town of Saranac we understand the importance of youth sports in our children's lives. We are also aware of the need for adults, families and seniors to have physical outlets that encourage activity and social interaction. Whether it's a sport for your child, a group for you to join or an activity for your family we hope to have it here. Please contact the Recreation Director at (518) 304-3064 with any questions. As we develop our program we will be adding more information to our website and hope to become the ultimate resource for "things to DO" in the Town of Saranac.

Links of Interest